Wednesday 26 September 2012

The Return of the Blog

Hi Bloggers,
                     Time goes so fast. I can't believe its been 10 whole months since I began my work experience at Absolute Radio. At this very moment I'm sipping Hot Chocolate from an Absolute Radio mug. Odd.

I wanted to continue my blog after I finished my month at Absolute. But thanks to a little thing called life, days, weeks and months past, and here I am, September 2012, 10 months later with barely a new blog to my name.

I am now in my third year of University, and I am fast approaching the end of my university life. I have learnt a great deal about radio since my interest in the medium first started back when I was 13. Back when I was a young and innocent youth, local commercial stations were more than happy to let me come in and have a look round. Everyone was very welcoming, and at one station, the on air presenter even said, because of my age, i'll have no problem getting into the industry.... I wonder if he's still in work.

Here I am, 20 years old,and the amount of jobs in the industry seems to be decreasing by the day. What made me want to write a new entry into this blog, was me seeing something. Something I've known was true for years now.

"In Radio, its not what you know, its who you know"
Of course it helps to know how to put a fader up, but when it comes down to it, if you know a producer at a radio station, chances are that you'll be more likely to get a job there.
I have uped my game with applying for work/work experience, so hopefully so exciting news coming soon.
If not, well I'll still have my radio based course to talk about! (Along with my 10,000 work dissertation!)
Keep it real Bloggers