Tuesday 16 July 2013

Day 7: Humid in Numbers

Hello there Bloggers,
                                Day seven has come to an end. and guess what. It was hot again. I never thought I would be getting annoyed at the hot weather, but I am. London, with all its big buildings and endless lines of cars, just doesn't seem to ever have a cool breeze. It's just humid. I image this is what the sahara desert is like.

 So anyway, today I finally finished gathering clips for the Jersey occupation show. I learnt a great deal about the war, and hopefully a lot of my clips will appear in the final piece! It really isn't as easy as I thought to find WW2 sound effects! They really are limited on the Internet!

Once again time just flew by today thanks to the WW2 clip gathering! But I also got a chance to start the next task! Basically I have been asked to gather some research for a programme called Something Understood, which uses stories, experiences, music and poetry to explain a certain theme. For example, past shows have been about Procrastination and hand holding! Its for Radio 4 so you know its good!

After listening to few of their previous episodes, I can tell that this is going to be really interesting! Creative radio like this is just awesome and I'm really happy that they want me to get the research for it!

So I will be giving you more info on what I have discovered tomorrow!

Until then, you stay classy!


Monday 15 July 2013

Day 6: Hot Nettles

Well hello there!

So week two has begun, and I can safely say, I melted today. I don't think I've ever experienced heat like that in England before. It was like a furnace at Whistledown today!

But that didn't stop me! No way hosay! So I got the train in from Southampton to Waterloo today. Which is fine, but it didn't help that I had my big red rucksack and two small bags to carry! Not good especially when it's boiling hot!

So last week on feedback there had been an uproar regarding the Archers (which for those of you who don't know, is a big deal in the radio world) and a storyline being played on a different station. Over the weekend yet more angry calls came in (18 in total) so it was up to me to listen to them all and note down what each one said!

I then had to continue finding clips for a show called The Reunion. To do this I had to watch two full documentaries on the Channel Islands, which though interesting, did start to turn my eyes to stone after a while! I had to record any audio that would fit the radio piece! I didn't even manage to watch the second one in full due to the length of it!

I've also been set another task for another show, but ill wait till tomorrow to detail that! Today was probably the fastest day of the whole work experience, simply due to the amount of things I had to do! Tomorrow should be another busy day, so we wait and see what is in store for my second and last Tuesday at Whistledown!

Until tomorrow bloggers, you stay classy!


Sunday 14 July 2013

Day 5: Frying on Friday

Hellllo Blog lovers,

                                It's the last day of week one! This week has indeed flown by! It's been an awesome experience working with people who have a wealth of experience within the industry!

Today is sort of like the calm after the storm. It's a lot gentler, as feedback goes out Friday night and has already been edited and sent off! So only three people were in today, meaning a quiet Friday afternoon.

It was up to me to continue gathering archive clips, but apart from that there wasn't whole lot else!

Apart from a long and tiring walk to Waterloo with all my bags, it was a pretty chilled and relaxed day!

So until next week, you stay classy!


Day 4: Feeding Back

Hello Everyone!,
                          Day four, and another sweltering day in London Town! Today saw the recording of Radio 4's Feedback at Whistledown, and I would be there to watch it happen!

Its been much easier for me to wake up on this work experience. Back in November/December 2011 at Absolute, every morning was agony. I think it may have been mainly due to the bitterly cold weather back then! In contrast every morning this time around has been hot, bright and just generally lovely! The weather certainly does dictate how we British people operate!

So a main responsibility of mine on this work expereince has been listening to recorded listener calls. Basically the whole point of feedback is to showcase the publics concerns with the BBC. So the backbone of it is listener calls. And it's up to me to listen and note down whether they are suitable for airing. I have to then log them in and record them if they are good another for the final show.

A main issue with listeners has been The Achers, and the fact that the BBC decided to play a big story line on the digital only station Radio 4 extra. This means that a lot of the listeners were not able to hear it.

So many of the calls were regarding that. Thursday is when the presenter Roger Bolton comes into Whistle down to record his presenter links. So I got the chance to sit in on the recordings, which was awesome. It really is amazing for a radio enthusiast like myself to watch these pros in action. From Roger doing the links, to Tom who runs the desk and Will who produces , it really is awesome!

That was the main bulk of what I did today! I continued gathering archive world war 2 clips for Kevin, as he is working on a programming detailing the occupation of the channel islands in the war.

So it was another brilliant day in sunny London! the only bad point is the fact I have to wear jeans in a 30 degree heat! Not fun! Anyway until tomorrow,

You stay classy Internet!


Wednesday 10 July 2013

Day 3: The Brown Paper Chronicles

Well hey everyone!

Day three is over, and another horribly uncomfortable hot day in London Town!

I do love arriving at London Bridge every morning. There is so much to see, with tower bridge, the shard and the gherkin building all clearly visible from the station. They all look amazing infont of a blue sky!

So today was a tough day. I had to use all my creative skills.... But not in the way you might think. Basically, Whistledown are looking into buying a new desk for this studio, and of course, the best shaped table for a studio? Hexagon of course! This way if gives each studio guest a good amount of room around the desk!

But, there was a problem. The website where the desk was sold had no measurements on it, and they did not have the details on record! So it was up to me to sort it! I was tasked with creating a full scale mock up of the desk top, using brown packing paper (brought from a pleasant post office just down the road) . Of course I had to use all my geometry skills to figure out the sizes... So obviously I completely ballsed it up. After an hour of sellotaping, measuring and scissoring I realised I had done it wrong!

So another trip to the post office for more brown paper, and another go at constructing and I finally made a mock up! So tomorrow we will have to see if the new desk will fit in the studio!

Tomorrow also means I will be sitting in in a recording of feedback (an awesome radio 4 programme!) so I'm excited for that!

Today I also shook the presenters hand which was awesome, and also researched more archive footage for a programme dedicated to the Nazi occupation of the Channel Islands during the second world war. I'm learning so much interesting info about the War. This programme will really be one to definitely listen to!

Anyway, tomorrow is a big day, so till then, you stay classy Internet!


Tuesday 9 July 2013

Day 2: The Shard is big

          And my second day at Whistledown is done! Another stupidly hot day meant to a lot of sweating and awesome sunglasses wearing!

One easily apparent good thing about this placement is the distance from the station to the office. For absolute I had to trek across half of London, travelling past Buckingham palace and Piccadilly Circus each day. For Whistledown it's a gentle 10 minute walk past the massive shard building and a few shops! So that's good times.

Due to the silly train times I do get into London a tad too early, but as there is a nice little park by the office , I get some time to chill in the sun beforehand! Whistledown is a lot smaller than absolute (3 floors smaller in fact) and the massive difference in production output is easily apparent. Staff at absolute were generally much younger, whereas Whistledown have staff who have been working in radio for years. It is awesome being around people who work on such high profile programmes for the BBC such as Feedback and The Reunion.

I have so far been able to sit in on a meeting which discussed production of the next feedback and also helped gather research for an upcoming production. I have also had the chance to use editing software that I hadn't used before, which is also pretty cool! Their one office floor is also fascinating for any radio enthusiasts, with a range of old school radios, books and posters plastered upon every wall!

Its amazing how fast time goes when you are really concentrating on something, and that's what happened to me today! Research tasks as well as other small things have been my duties so far!

I'm looking forward to the rest of the week, especially with watching the production of BBC programmes. It's cool stuff people!

For now though, you stay classy!


Monday 8 July 2013

Day 1: The Return

Hello everybody!,
                           It's been 1 year and 7 months since I last did work experience in London! Older and wiser I am not, but I still love radio, so lets continue.

For two weeks I will be attending work experience at the production company Whistledown, who make awesome programmes for radio stations such as Radio 4, Radio 1 amongst others!

Once again I am staying at my Uncles, and i'm getting the train in. But this time I am heading to London Bridge Station! The awesome thing about this station is the huge Shard building just outside. I believe it is the biggest building in London, and it certainly is hard to miss. I doubt i'll ever get lost, as all I need to do is spot the shard and I'll be back at the station!

So my first day was very interesting, meeting new people and learning about all the processes that a BBC radio programme goes through before airing!

Once again I'll be doing a daily blog, so stay tuned for more awesome news on my work experience! That's if I don't keel over with heat frustration before the weeks up!

Until tomorrow, you can cool Internet


Friday 22 March 2013

Dragons, History... and a new blog!


I have started a new blog, that is sort of a production diary for my new big radio project!

You can view it at here! I am extremely excited to begin this journey, down a road of history, fire and dragons; all based around the history of a small town in Dorset!

I'll see you there!
