Sunday 27 November 2011

The Night before

Hello, Welcome to the Blog.

I've never done a blog before so apologies if this one is ABSOLUTE rubbish. Well actually that is a lie. This is my fourth. The first I made a few months back, in the hope I would be able to create an online diary which would make me look professional to any would be employers. Needless to say I posted once then never again. The second and third were created in the past few days. Unfortunately Word Press and Tumblr I too complicated for a simpleton like me.

Anyway, I'm Colin, a student studying Radio Production. The point of this blog is to post daily entries, that include images, videos and other nonsense. Why? Because from November 28th - December 23rd, I will be taking part in work experience at none other than Absolute Radio in London. For those who are not clicked on to radio goings on, they used to be called Virgin Radio. They are national, through Digital and MW, but are also on FM in the London area.

Needless to say this is pretty incredible, considering my class has much more talented radio people than myself.

Well anyway, I will be posting pictures, videos and "diary" entries daily. That's if I actually make it there. For the first week I will be travelling up by train, and walking from Waterloo to Absolute. Crazy Stuff. Luckily I will have my handy London A-Z. I will look like such a tourist. Not good.

Anyway this is just an introductory post, so I will talk to you after my first day :D



  1. it isnt incredible! you deserve this opportunity because you're incredible!!

  2. You'll be amazing Colin! All the best in Landaaan and make sure to keep us all updated :)

    Chris x
