Sunday 14 July 2013

Day 4: Feeding Back

Hello Everyone!,
                          Day four, and another sweltering day in London Town! Today saw the recording of Radio 4's Feedback at Whistledown, and I would be there to watch it happen!

Its been much easier for me to wake up on this work experience. Back in November/December 2011 at Absolute, every morning was agony. I think it may have been mainly due to the bitterly cold weather back then! In contrast every morning this time around has been hot, bright and just generally lovely! The weather certainly does dictate how we British people operate!

So a main responsibility of mine on this work expereince has been listening to recorded listener calls. Basically the whole point of feedback is to showcase the publics concerns with the BBC. So the backbone of it is listener calls. And it's up to me to listen and note down whether they are suitable for airing. I have to then log them in and record them if they are good another for the final show.

A main issue with listeners has been The Achers, and the fact that the BBC decided to play a big story line on the digital only station Radio 4 extra. This means that a lot of the listeners were not able to hear it.

So many of the calls were regarding that. Thursday is when the presenter Roger Bolton comes into Whistle down to record his presenter links. So I got the chance to sit in on the recordings, which was awesome. It really is amazing for a radio enthusiast like myself to watch these pros in action. From Roger doing the links, to Tom who runs the desk and Will who produces , it really is awesome!

That was the main bulk of what I did today! I continued gathering archive world war 2 clips for Kevin, as he is working on a programming detailing the occupation of the channel islands in the war.

So it was another brilliant day in sunny London! the only bad point is the fact I have to wear jeans in a 30 degree heat! Not fun! Anyway until tomorrow,

You stay classy Internet!


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