Monday 12 December 2011

Day Eleven - Angel No Delight, The Hoff & Hometime

Hey hey hey hey Blog peeps.
                                               Its me, Mr Colin. Its day eleven, and I have finally arrived back at my uncles after battling the wind and rain. Literally, its not nice out there. Whenever my hair gets wet I look like a drowned rat. Well forget that, I looked like a drowned badger. Not pretty.

But anyway enough of that. I am back after my favourite, most informative and just awesome day at Absolute (So far) It was finally my "Geoff Lloyd Day"

But I was also looking forward to today for another reason... my first day of wearing my new coat. Its awesome. You know the big coats with fur inside, that make you look much fatter than you actually are? Yeah one of those. So I was toasty when I got to Absolute. I may have looked ridiculous, but I will be the one laughing when everyone else has died of frost bite.

So I get to absolute, and as per Guy is there already. He is sorting the post, so I think, "I'll go do the press cuts" You see, I have yet to actually do one. I know how to do it, sure, but for one reason or another, I haven't actually had to do it yet. So I rush up stairs to find Jonny to get the press cuts and... He is not there... and neither is the press cuts. Turns out they haven't been put together yet. Typical. And the computer normally free for Workys like myself is being used by Mr Russ Williams, damn.

So I go back downstairs to see if Kerry needs any packages delivered to desks. She does, so I do that. I walk up a lot of stairs and deliver the packages. Everyone is always excited when the parcel is for them, which is nice. They look a little like this when I give them a parcel:

I deliver a parcel to the fourth floor, and as I'm leaving, I get called by Lauren, who I met last week. If you recall, last week me and Guy had to go and pick up some Tesco vouchers, and then send them. Well, one person wasn't going to be back till this week, so there prize had to be sent this week. Which is where I come in. I go downstairs and put a "special delivery" sticker on and everything. Job done.

I then help Guy with the rest of the post. Next its time to restock the fridges in reception and the Zoo. and bad news for everyone at Absolute...


So no coke, no diet... All that's left now is 7UP, Tango and Fanta... not the best selection of drinks. So we fill them up, along with some peppermint tea (Lolwut???) and sugar. Epic times as you can imagine!

Its now time to hit floor one and continue with paperwork! Or at least, that was the plan. But alas, No. that is not what happened. Turns out Marc forgot to tell me to change the dates on the CD boxes on Friday (Blame Marc not me!) So I go do that. Unfortunately, I don't know what to change them too. I put them both a week later than what they say, so I hope that's right... if not I'm sure it will be on the board tomorrow! If your wondering, each box has a laminated board which you can write on (With marker)

I head back to floor one, and Guy has taken the free computer and I am left with nowt. And guess what? Guy takes the press cuts. A cheap trick, whilst my back is turned he takes them. One day I will do them.

So instead I decide to sort out my HUGE booklet. Basically, every time we do work experience, we have to fill out a huge form. By we I mean me and people on my course. So i get to work filling it out on the sofas on floor one.

Wow. Talk about fun! Not

It was painful. SO tedious. "What do I want to achieve" and where do I feel I "Have to improve my strengths"

Here's what I want to achieve...


So surely I should only need to say that? Who cares what my strengths and weaknesses are? As you can tell I don't like paper work.

So I finish that (Well about 1/2 of it) and then set to work on doing Recon on Christians computer (He has left) Unfortunately, I forget his computer is incapable of doing Recon. So I am wondering what to do, when Gregg turns to me.

I had been thinking it had been a while since I had gone on a scavenger hunt for him... He gives me a list and £25. Here's what the list read:

3 x Butterscotch Angel Delight
1 x Normal Playing cards
1 x Pack of UNO playing cards

I think to myself, well the Angel delight will be easy, but the cards will be difficult. After the horrific Sherbet experience (See blog titled Poppers, Blowers & Bloomin' Sherbet) I ask Greg where he thinks would be the best place to look. He tells me tesco and Hamleys. A nice easy task :)

So I head to regent street and Hamleys. I enter. I do love it there, everyone is friendly and all the staff are dressed up (some against their will it seems) for Christmas. It is pretty crowded, so I head to a free member of staff and ask about playing cards. A toy store, with games, cards surely a certainly...


They don't sell playing cards. I am not pleased. That is a disgrace. But luckily they have uno so that is all good. I make my way to the till. It takes about 15 minutes, thanks to the slow staff. They are all being "Pretend happy" as well. It ain't real happiness. You can just tell. They look happy, but inside, they're souless.

So I exit, once again, into the cold (though luckily I can't feel it thanks to my coat:D)

I walk to Oxford street, thinking of places that would sell playing cards. A man walks up to me on the street and says he likes my coat... I think "Awesome, a compliment" I then see the clipboard, and he goes to shake my hand... I quickly say I'm busy and scurry off. They almost got me. Then two seconds later, another guy comes up to me and asks if i'm wearing my own shoes. I think to myself... what a silly question, and then I see another clipboard. I am outta there.

So I'm walking down oxford street and I see an M+S which has a food hall. So I go in to look for Angel delight. On my way through I find the gaming section, and quickly spot playing cards. Hurrah! Another thing off the list, and it means just the Delight then its back to Absolute!

I go to the food hall... I ask...
No angel delight
I go to Tesco Metro.. They have angel delight! But only in strawberry.
I go to the other Tesco Metro: No angel delight
I go to Sainsburys Central: Only strawberry.

I don't panic though, surely there must be a little shop that sells it...

Nope. Nowhere. I ain't gonna swear, but when your looking round London for two hours looking for a bloomin' dessert, you don't really feel the Christmas spirit. By this time its half 2, and after a look in the John Lewis food bit, I give up and decide to go Mcdonalds, as its the only sort of break I'm gonna get today.

So I'm walking back to absolute with my Mcdonalds in hand, feeling pretty grumpy. After all, its cold and I'm getting mayo all over my hands.


This time I don't even put effort in. I put up a hand, as if to say "Be gone" and walked past. It did the trick. So I get back, to find Guy on his lunch break. I go upstairs to look for a place that might Butterscotch Angel delight on google maps. No where. Well to be honest what am I suppose to search? But I get "Bing Bonged" by Kerry, and I have a meeting for 8 to set up...


So I rush to get it all ready, but whilst I do I spy a celebrity. The guy who plays Woody in This is England 86. For those who don't know its a TV show about life in England in the 80's. He is clearly at absolute to talk about the new series that starts tomorrow. I over hear him saying how the past year has been tough, with him becoming a celebrity...

So anyway I somehow fit everything on a tray, and hurry up to floor 6... No one there. So I rushed for no reason.

There is another meeting in 30 minutes so I go to reception to check the details. It is for the board room. Kerry then mentions a "David" coming in. I don't hear the surname.

And then I hear the door open and who do I see...


David Hasslehoff is standing behind me. Wow. He is one tall man I must say. He doesn't even look at me as he walks past, clearly he thinks I'm a coat rack.

Anyway that was awesome, so I did what any 19 year old would do. I tweeted about it :D

So anyway, back to business.I do the meeting and then there is not much to do. So Guy cleans dishes and mugs in the Zoo, and then we go back and I try to show him recon. The computer he is using doesn't let "Selector" work. Great, so we get to work "FINALLY" sorting the clips for Brian from Ian Wrights show. I manage one, but no more, as its time for me to sit in on Geoff Lloyds homeshow :D

It wasn't a good sign that Gaz had gone up without a word to me... clearly I had been forgotten


I make my way up to see Dan, who is the "Runner" I believe (Hes more than that outside of the hometime show, and also started as a Worky like me :D) Basically he answers the calls and makes the tea. Pretty much the epic version of what I'm doing. I spend an hour watching him as he answers calls and set up the twitter and facebook statues. Its amazing watching him work, he literally answers call after call, putting people on hold, then writing their details, whilst taking more calls and putting more people on hold. It is Epic.

What is more epic is that Geoff doesn't like to know anything about the caller before he puts them on air, so the show sounds more fresh. One day I hope the queen is put through and I hear "And its Lizzie on the line from London!"

So after an hour of that, Gaz comes out of the studio and asks if I want to sit in the studio...


HELL TO THE YES. That's what I had been waiting for! Epic times, I pratically skipped in.

There they were, at their posts, Geoff and Annabell.

I sat in for the rest of the show, and Geoff was awesome when it came to answering questions about radio, and he made some good points about how to get into the industry. He also gave good points on how to do a show properly, about having a conclusion when having a discussion. He told me about his past and what radio he enjoyed.
Anabell was also awesome, and as she started as a Worky, was also willing to help. Turns out she reads this blog, so she knows more about me than me. Odd. I loved how she would just be sitting there, then suddenly, headphones on, mic up, Travel. Awesome.

The way they run the show is awesome. No pressure or stress, just chilled and fresh. Its like a little family in that studio, and I'm the visiting Uncle.

Obviously I try to impress them with my radio knowledge, and probably fail. I am just fascinated to watch how they work. I liked watching as Gaz and Geoff worked the desk, and I stood in the corner peering over their shoulders at what they were doing every now then. Gaz and Geoff work pretty much hand in hand. Gaz literally is like a hyper dog, running around making sure everything is running smoothly. They all love radio as well, which makes them even more epic.

All awesome people, like everyone else at Absolute.

Geoff couldn't have put it better

"Absolute is just a great place to work"

After the show, they let me sit on as they recorded the opening and closing links of the podcast... and they even let me talk, so I am now a celebrity. Watch out for my album of covers next Christmas, or my appearance in I'm a celebrity..

But look out for Geoff Lloyds Podcast for December 12th, as you may hear yours truly.

I even got piccys with the two :D

And if your wondering, here is whats on their arms:

A bit of awesome promoting there :D And it was Geoff and Annabell's idea to right that on their arms :)

Thank you to Geoff, Annabell, Gaz and Dan (who took the picture)
for letting me hang about, even though I was in their way!

They are awesome guys, and their show is why I love radio. Just genuine, funny and relatable people, who love what they do and have a passion for making good radio.

Long may they continue!


Well that was my dayyy. It was epic.


However do not worry, If there isn't I will do a double post on Wednesday :D

You stay classy Internet!


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