Wednesday 14 December 2011

Day Thirteen - A Little Bit of Truth

Hello Blog Readers Great and Small,
Over the past 2 and a bit weeks, what has really struck me, is how much positive energy there is around Absolute Radio. From the presenters, to the receptionist everyone is just so positive. There is just a brilliant mood around the building. Everyone always works hard, but they never show strain. They never show frustration, they resolve problems in a positive manner.

Aside from that, every person in that building on Golden Square is just a genuinely awesome individual. All friendly, helpful and just genuine people. Every day has been a positive experience.

Today, however, a situation occurred, where negativity was expressed. As workys at Absolute, our job is to do all tasks that are asked of us. Sometimes there is just not enough hours in a day to complete them all, but I do my best to do every task to the best of my abilities.

Some jobs are given to us that are on going, meaning there is no strict deadlines. Obviously these jobs are the jobs we do when we have free time. We do not ignore them, forget them or pretend they don't concern us, we work on tasks that have deadlines, and then work on the other jobs when we have free time.

I am not a mind reader, if a job has to be done, when I am told there is no urgency for it, then personally I don't believe the blame should be with the workys.

I love being at Absolute, and doing jobs for them, being it looking for stuff that doesn't seem to exist at tescos, or just making tea and coffee. I have put my full effort into every job I have been given. But when you hear negative things being said about you , you do come to wonder if maybe people feel your not giving your all.

I will continue to give my all, and if that is not good enough, then at least I will be happy in the knowledge I tried.


So enough of that nonsense, its time to get back to what my day was like at Absolute =D

So I get in, surprise surprise to find, once again that Mr Guy was already there.

A complete U-turn to yesterday, there were actually computers free, which is sweet, as it means I can get up to date with Recon and work on the Press cuts (It seems i am now the Press Cuts boy)

So, its almost unheard of, the fridges are practically full, and there is no post yet...


. So apart from delivering some packages to each floor and replacing some blue recycling bags (A lot of gossip mags read at Absolute as you can imagine) it was straight to work!

So I completed Recon like a BOSS, and then it was time for press cuts. As well as that, we have to look through the "Companies and Markets" section of the Finacial Times and find five big stories involving big companies. It really does take so much time to do, so by the time they were all done, it was time for the meeting with Bobby Harrison.

Once again, a top bloke. Works with sales, but on the weekend he produces the Rock and Roll football. A job that consists of editing shows, getting football scores and watching soccer Saturday.. Awesome.

He does have to work 6 days a week, and has done so for many years. He is a legend for still enjoying his job, even with the constant pressures and work load.

Also before I forget, a big up to his band called The Bibelots

They also include Hometime Producer Gaz. I recommend you have a listen.

So anyway, once that is done I go back and do a quick playlist job for Tim. I did it a few weeks back, basically, using a program called cody, and another website, I have to see how many times songs on Absolutes playlist have been played on their rival stations.

Good times.

Next I have a quick lunch break, then return to the dreaded paperwork.

Basically, I have to fill out this long and dull form to get onto my third year of uni... Problem is it has to be in by tomorrow. So, as all urgent jobs have been done, and as this form is quite important, I brought the form into Absolute and I fill out the form in the Zoo. It includes an horrific Personal Statement part which took agesss. Luckily I managed it in what felt to be two hours.

You know when you write so much you get like an indent in your finger? Yep that was me

In between Me and Guy made tea and coffee for a meeting late. Bad times... Where getting quite bad with time keeping for Tea and Coffee.

Next, there is a gig of some sorts tomorrow, and three artists playing (Ed Sheeran, Madness and Kasabian) So we had to get a huge shopping list of things.

It included

Chewing Gum
Chocolate Bars

As you should know by now, when given a list of things to collect, there is always one thing we cant find... and you can guess which one it was. We went to M + S with £200 of Absolutes money to get a load of everything on the list. So a variety of chocolate bars, crisps, gum, mints and of course Champaign.

It came to around £78 which is pretty awesome.

We couldnt get all the chocolate bars requested, so we went to the boots to get more.

Now heres the problem with twiglets. They wanted the little bags of them, not the big tub thing. Well we couldn't find them, not matter where we looked. It wasnt good D= So we plan to get them tomorrow morning... Cos as you know Bands always want their Twiglets before a show! :/

So I got to the train station late and missed my train... Darn Twiglets!

Anyway that was my day..

And here is how I feel at the moment:

So till tomorrow
You stay Classy Interney


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