Monday 5 December 2011

Day Six- Frost in the Fluff

Well Hi there blog land,

Good news, from now on I'm gonna include a cat picture in each post... They make me MEGA LOL

                                       Well here I am, ready and raring to go for a new week at Absolute. And this week I had an improvement :D instead of getting a two hour train at a ridiculous time, I decided to spend the week at my uncles, in Reigate, a town on the outskirts of London. The train to London from there is only 30 minutes, so it seemed logical. So here I am, blogging from there... not the train my Uncles house.

Well after some confusion getting to the station (I went in the complete opposite direction) I arrived there. It was packed. School kids, business men and people with bikes... which is always annoying. The chances of me getting a seat on the train were slim at best, and any hope I had was dashed when I saw that a lot of people were already standing up as the train pulled into the station. So I get on, and it was literally like being a brick in the wall... (Leave them Colins alone)

So I got to London Victoria, and walked to Absolute. Going to Victoria means I get to walk past Buckingham palace, which is always good. The flag was up, which I think means the queen is in, so I walked past hoping to see the old dear... alas no.

Did I say it was cold? Well it was, Freezing. My coat kept my body warm, but my legs and feet were ice blocks. Darn Skinny jeans.

So I get to Absolute, and I meet Kerry for the first time :D Adam was covering for her on my first week, but now she is back. It was odd, though as it was my second week, but it was like it was my first day again. Adam gone, Nicola gone and me still there, running up and down stairs like a hamster in a wheel.

So my first job... Sort the post!!!!!! Which I'm getting better at as I now know where most of it goes. By the way, the Ronnie Wood's pigeon hole is still full up. I feel bad for people who have sent him stuff, as one of the letters has stamps from the US. Dear o dear. Ah well... living the rock and roll life means getting someone to read the post for you... One day it will be the same for me =D

As its a Monday there are two bags of post. So I slowly work through that...


You will know, on Friday I was given the task of finding card. Thick card. I failed and managed to get thin, flimsy card that was no good to anybody. But it was all I could find on such short notice! So don't judge me D=

Well you may remember I found an art shop on the way back from my failed mission on Friday. So I went in there and purchased:
  • 10 X A4 Foamboards
  • 3 X A3 Foamboards

But before that I returned the flimsy card to WH Smith. Did you know that in a recent poll, Wh Smith was voted the worst high street shop? This was based on Customer Service, Price, Helpfulnes etc. I heard it on the news a few months back, and it doesn't surprise me... well the one near me is a bit terrible... But the one I went to in London was pretty good...

ANYWAY the WH Smith was in an "Arcade" thing. Ya' know where groups of shops are put inside. Well once I returned the card, I decided to go upstairs in this arcade, because there was a Subway. I wanted one of the breakfast subs :) However, I went up... they didn't do them =[ So i went to find the exit... I couldn't find it. You know when your working in a circle, trying not to look stupid... I must have looked something like this.

You see, the escalator which take you downstairs, wasn't working. So i looked for stairs. But I was confused, as all the stairs I found were fire exits... I thought to myself... Shall I go through one of them... then just when I'm about to make a tit of myself, I see a sign pointing to the actual stairs... Panic over.

SO back to where I was. I had the foam board... So I go back to Absolute, and I get a pritt stick off Kerry. For I had to stick pictures of Absolutes rival stations logos onto the A4 boards, Two Absolute posters on A3 and on the last A3 board a piece of paper with lots of band names on it. It was for a meeting... But I wasn't invited to it D= I also had some PVA, but when you use that on paper, it makes the paper go all creased and unseemly. So Pritt is the way forward.

So I set to work, sticking the different posters onto the boards. BUT one of the pictures (The one with the band names) Doesn't print D= SO PANIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

but it turned out it was going to a different printer to the one we thought, so I ended up with about 5 of them. Anyway, all the boards are done and I deliver the goods to Adrian.

Now enter the new work experience guy... GUY!

Seriously his name is Guy. Ironically he is from my Uni and is my boss, technically. You see, he is the station manager of the Bournemouth University Radio station, which I present on. Weird... But what made it weirder is the fact I had to show him the ropes.

Chanti? (red wine apparently) and a pack of beer. I go to tesco and get the booze... Why does no one drink cider at Absolute? Weirdos. Anyway after that I have my break. I had my first Whopper from Burger King. I was not impressed. I don't like gherkins in my burgers... and literally, they have stuffed everything into those things. Okay so anyway back to my day.

I get back, and I am given the task of continuing the Christmas tree creating. I FINALLY discovered the problem with the trees. There were three little black trees, not one big one. So I managed to create them and bring them to reception. Me and guy then get on to decorating them because, after all it ain't Christmas unless the trees are up. The joy that all the staff felt when they walked past the trees. Normally adults aren't keen on Christmas... But everyone at Absolute seems to love it... Must be because they can afford it... (Big salaries me thinks)

So yeah we put the trees up by the windows. They looked pretty simple, as there wasn't many tree decorations available. Luckily tinsel makes trees looks fuller than they actually are. So it wasn't too bad. All they need now is Lights and those little tree chocolates.

So it's coming to the end of the day, and there is still a big tree to make. But me and Guy are gonna save that to tomorrow :)

SO as its near the end of the day, its time to sort the post. I had to get taught, as I wasn't really told how to do it last week. Its simply enough... BUT Kerry asked if I could cover reception whilst she went to a meeting. Its more complicated than it looks. Buttons, questions and all that. Well actually its simply but I am terrible at taking in new information. So I write down what I do when someone rings.

Someone rings...

I answer, the woman politely asks to talk to someone at the station. I ask who they are... she responds and also says why shes calling. Me, being the Noob that I am, read the notes that I have written and ask "Why they are calling" even though she has already said. Hilarity ensues. She sounds irritated and says again. I ask her to repeat the name of the person she wants... By this time she is extremely unhappy. I put her on hold, and search for the person she wants. Shes not in, so I go back to the other call... and the woman has gone... typical.


EPICCCC. And hopefully I will ACTUALLY do some radio stuff... as I haven't done any so far.

Sit in on shows maybe? Watch producers at work?

Fat chance... Its tea making and paperwork for me

I'm still waiting. Anyway its time for me to sign off again. But till tomorrow

You stay classy Internet

Twitter: ColinJByrne

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