Saturday 24 December 2011

Day Twenty - So Long, and Thanks for all the Radio Advice

For the last time, hello blog land.
                                                     Well it is here at last. My final blog on AbsoluteColin. The twentieth blog entry, a day late. Not good!

For the past four weeks I have been a Worky at Absolute Radio in London. Before I started I was worried. About travel, about how to "present" myself and just because its Absolute Radio man!. But now, looking back at my time, I can safely say that I had an amazing experience. I met some awesome people, saw some amazing places and went shopping for Greg....


Right, before the "Sentimental" bit, lets get on with my final day!

So I actually woke up early. Odd. Literally no struggle. Alarm when off, and I was on it. I was raring to go. Like a boss. So I get to Absolute, and the first thing needed, is bubble wrap. You see, Sky are a long time sponsor of Absolute (Rock N Roll Football) and they have sent members of staff gift bags. I'm guessing it was a sort of alcoholic beverage, as it was a long box. But there was loads of them delivered. Two haven't been picked up, as the people haven't been in.

So they need to be posted. They are pretty big, so bubble wrap is needed. So that's our first job. I meet Guy on floor one.

See, I had been thinking of getting something for people at Absolute on my last day, as a "Thank you" for all their help. I hadn't got anything in the end though, as I didn't know what to get.

Anyway I get to Guy, and he shows me what he has done as a gift. Guy is quite the artist, and can actually draw well. So he has drawn three cartoons. One of Marc, one of Eloise, and one of Kerry.

It is awesome, and I should have got a picture. Alas I forgot, so here's a picture of a funny cat:

So its an awesome picture, So I decide I need to get something, as I had originally planned. So, we go out to get the bubble wrap, and on the way Guy gets a frame for his picture and I buy a present for Marc and Adam on reception.

Good ol' John Lewis always saves the day. I get a weird thing. Its basically the bottom half of Santa, with chocolate balls in it. Sounds weird. But that's the only way of describing it. It may have been an egg cup with chocolate in.

So on the way back from John Lewis we get the bubble wrap from Rymans. Good times. So now we head back.

I hand the gift to Adam. He seems happy. Which is good.

We then go up and see Marc on the first floor. Guy hands him the Picture, and I hand him the Santa legs/chocolate balls thing.

He seems genuinely blown away. Which is a surprise, as I imagined every past Worky getting something to say thanks. Maybe not? I know Jack made a cake with the Absolute Logo on it. Awesome

But he seems happy with it. So its all good.

Next Jonnny brings over the Final ever press cuts!

Sad times =[ But we also have to finish doing the Iain Lee clips, so we also continue with that. But of course, we are asked to do other jobs throughout the day.

I had to cover reception for  abit, wrap the Sky things up in bubble wrap and parcel paper, and write the details down for special delivery, and get financial times stories for Jonny.

I was also given one last list of things to get. Not by Greg though... By Adam, and for Zoe. As you may recall, Donnach was going to dress as Father Christmas today, for young relatives of employers. But the kids needed snacks, so I had to go to Tesco and get:

12 Mince Pies
2 x Orange Juice
1 x Apple Juice
3 x Big Bags of Crisps
1 x Packet of Chews
4 x Beers (I'm sure the kids would love that)

For the first time, in my 4 weeks at Absolute, it was easy. I went there, and everything was there. Perfect. Amazing. Beautiful. I was a happy bunny.

I did have one issue though. See I'm not a big Orange Juice fan, so I wasn't sure what sort of orange juice they meant.

See I'm the sort of guy who doesn't know the difference between Orange Juice and Squash.
So I did what any self respecting 19 year old in London would do... I asked my girlfriend what to do via phone call. I would personally think Orange Squash is more appropriate... Surely that's more for kids?

But no I got the darn Juice.

As the day went on more people said there goodbyes. Finished for Christmas you see. Marc had to leave early to get Christmas presents... LOL!

I shook his hand, said said thank you for everything and wished him a Merry Christmas. Hes the main man for music, So I will be keeping in touch.

I decided to write a message on the White Board. A thank you to everyone for their help. And one last plug of the blog... O why not :D

My hotmail stopped working towards the end of the day for some reason. That was bad, as I had saved my Iain Lee work on there, a long with the financial times stories. Not good. I had to write the stories out again! Not a good thing I must say.

So that was really my last day. Not much happened, but everyone was in good spirits. That's what Christmas does to people!

I then had to make my leave. I shook hands, said thank you, said goodbye and also got a free mug :D I said goodbye to Guy, though I will be seeing him again in the New Year. It was all quite emotional.
Well not really, but I felt quite sad.

Its true what Adam had said. You get to know all these people, and then suddenly, your out, finished :(

And so it has arrived. The end of this blog, and my adventures at Absolute Radio in London... for now.
Here are some of my favourite moments:

Free Alcohol
Sitting in on Geoff and Christians shows.
Free Alcohol
The Hard Rock Cafe
Free Alcohol
Pizza Hut Express
Watching Brian get cake to the face
Meeting awesome people
Free Alcohol
I loved every minute of it, and it was an incredible experience. For four weeks, my life revolved around that place, and my blog.
Thank you for reading. Thank you for putting up with my constant use of the word Awesome.
You are all awesome for that.
I met some incredible people. People who are just so passionate about radio. It was amazing.
I will make a post, saying thank you to people tomorrow.
But for now, watch this space, as this may be the end of the chapter.
But not the end of the story for my radio adventures!.
Thank you for reading.
You stay classy Internet

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