Monday 19 December 2011

Day Sixteen - Chronicles of a Chamois

Hey Blogspot land,
                                  So now begins the start of week four. The final week. It has gone so fast. I have many memories of my time. But I'll save that for Blog 20 :)

People have asked me "O have you made any good contacts?" Truth is I don't know. Sure I know peoples E-mails, and have added them on Google + and am following them on Twitter but does that count as a "Contact?" I don't really understand it. But I know that everyone at Absolute would be more than willing to help me if I were to Email them with enquiries... So maybe that counts,


So yeah, if your an Absolute employer, You can add me on any of the following: Facebook, LinkedIN, Twitter and Google +... It will make me look good... you know you want to ;)

So anyway, I wake up to hear that the trains are delayed by up to 90 minutes. Well that's what my Uncle tells me. I look on my phone, at the National Rail website, and there is news of delays due to a broken down train in Brighton... It had to be Brighton didn't it. The delays are right through my route to London.

Not Good.

So  I head to the station. I get there, and I am greeted by this:

The most people I have ever seen at the station. Not a good sign. O by the way, did I mention how cold it was? It was very cold. It was icy. But I had my big coat, so it wasn't that bad for me :D

Anyway I get to the ticket office, and just as my turn comes , a train turns up. It is the delayed train, that is normally 20 minutes before my one. So I get my ticket, hurry, and get on the train. Meaning I get to Absolute before Guy for once. Infact I was so early, I even got a Cafe Nero hot chocolate before hand


Adam is on reception this week, and there are a lot of packages to deliver to each floor. Christmas presents probably. There are also bowls, with names on them. The bowls are covered in tin foil. The names on the bowls are Christian, Ritchie and Maggie (The Breakfast team) So I take them up, along with some other packages. They looked like bowls of porridge... Im just saying. I next take thee fruit delivery up to the Zoo,

When I return, Guy has turned up, so we get to work on the actual post that needs to go into Pigeon Holes. There are two bags, meaning a lot of name hunting.

So we work on that for a bit, and then go to Floor One. As Eloise has finished for Christmas, we both get computers. Guy works on Recon, whilst I do Live Read.... Get in!

Jonny then comes over with the Press Cuts. Mondays press cuts are always thick, So I begin work on them. However I have to stop after only a few as we get a job. Today, the Booze Trolley is gonna go round! That basically means that a trolley is loaded with booze, and taken to each floor. I may have mentioned it on week one or two... Have a read back and find it, and if you do, tell me what day it is in the comments :)


Apparently its to celebrate a new App for Absolute.... Any excuse to drink.

It seems that Absolute loves alcohol. Any excuse to get drunk and they will take it. Which is fine with me. I find one cider/beer makes you more relaxed and alert, so its all good.


There is no alcohol in the building, so its down to me, Marc and Guy to go get some. Guy has gone to do a job for Robbie, so we have to wait for him to finish before we can go. Whilst we are waiting I am given a list from Adam. Its another "Scavenger" hunt courtesy of Greg. Its the weirdest list yet and reads like this:

Now there was some confusion. See, me and Adam thought a "Chamois" was pronounced "Cham oi ees" basically the way its spelt. We didn't realise it was pronounced "Chammy" until we googled it. Silly us!

There is a tick next to Squidgee and a star next to "Chamois". The tick means essential, the star means not that important. Which is good, as it means less pressure! good times. So I look on google first, and search different shops to see if they have the goods. Debenhams seems good so I plan to head there.

First though its time to get the Alcohol from Tesco.

I try to hint to Marc that we should get cider, but he ignores my suggestion.

One thing I don't understand

A lot of people at absolute like cider... Yet whenever we are sent out to get booze, cider is a No No everytime. Someone high up at Absolute seriously does not like it!

Anyway whilst we are there I find some Marigold gloves, meaning my first item is collected :D

Awesome. So we carry back the crates of booze, along with my gloves. We drop of the booze in the fridges, and then I drop the gloves off at Gregs desk. Now its time for me too hunt for the other items.

Its already 2, so I decide to have my lunch break whilst looking for the items. I head to debenhams, after unsuccessful trips to House of Fraiser and BHS. I go to the top floor and find the Money Belt :D

I'm the sort of person who likes to find stuff for myself. As in, I like to hunt round for stuff in shops, rather than ask someone who works there. It feels even more of an achievement when you find it :D

Sure it probably wastes time, buts that's me.

So I'm about to pay for the Money belt, when I ask the guy behind the counter if they sell the Window cleaners. It takes a crude demonstration of me cleaning a window for him to understand what I mean, but then he says yes we sell them, and I follow him, and I find them :D AWESOME

2 down in one shop :D Good times.

I decide to have lunch now, so I go to the KFC that is right next to the Pizza Hut express. I am tempted, but I decide against a third trip to pizza heaven.

Anyway, I begin to hunt for the Chamois. It turns out that they are quite hard to find... I think they are normally used for cleaning cars, and I haven't seen a Halfords in London yet. I look round for a bit, but then notice its nearing 4. I need to get back and do the press cuts.

Luckily the Chamois wasn't important, so I get back and Greg seems happy. He even posted a picture on the Breakfast Show Twitter page :D

When I get back the Booze Trolley is going round. I have a beer... It wasn't nice but I had it anyway. Boy am I a tropper.

I am about to start Press cuts again, but I am asked to get the post. There is alot today (People sending Xmas cards) so I gather that and head to the post room. Luckily there is only one special delivery to do, So I head back to floor one to do the press cuts


I get to the first floor and find Guy basically infront of me talking to Jonny. He sits right near the door you see. As I get there, they turn and then Jonny asks about the press cuts.

I explain why they are late and say I'm about to finish them.

He then says that next time I need to tell him if there gonna be late as they are important.

Heres what he looked like:

He didn't say it angrily, because no one gets angry at Absolute. But you could tell that he needed them, and was quite... Agitated. I apologise and get to finishing them. I finish just before half 5 and send them to him.

Guy sat in on the Hometime show tonight, so hopefully he didn't steal my thunder :D

Anyway that was my day, So I will see you tomorrow Bloggers

You stay classy Internet


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